How Good Are Emerson Plate Carriers Airsoft

How Good Are Emerson Plate Carriers Airsoft

Are you lot looking for the best plate carrier? The skillful news is that you can find ane that will fit your needs and preferences correct here.

Finding the best plate carrier is important for when y'all are looking to keep yourself well protected in unsafe situations as a member of law enforcement or the armed forces. This is a wearable role of your compatible and will work to keep yous from being seriously injured during a tactical application.

Earlier we comprehend the plate carriers that are considered the best on the market, nosotros'll encompass how a plate carrier works and when it would be advisable to use ane. We'll also be talking about what makes a corking plate carrier based on some features and characters that stand up out.

At a Glance: Our Elevation Picks for Plate Carrier

Comparison of the Best Plate Carriers

How Does a Plate Carrier Work?

A plate carrier is armor that is used by armed forces personnel and police force officers that are often in tactical situations. A plate carrier will terminate whatsoever kind of enemy threats that are utilizing firearms as a weapon. The plates are designed to protect vital organs and volition prevent whatsoever kind of serious injury or death.

When Would I Use a Plate Carrier?

There are a few instances where y'all would need to vesture a plate carrier. It's of import to continue yourself protected if you know that you are facing imminent danger. Hither are the times when a plate carrier will be advisable to use:

Civilian Apply

If y'all are a civilian, y'all can use a plate carrier. Believe it or non, there are those that are too accessible for those who want whatsoever kind of armor as part of their survival gear. This will come up in handy when you are defending yourself in a home defense force state of affairs or if y'all are escaping from disaster and you are facing hostile threats. While the latter might not happen at any point in fourth dimension, being prepared for self-defense in the direst of survival situations volition keep you ahead of the curve.

Law Enforcement Use

Law enforcement officers will oft find themselves in tactical situations every day. They also include the tactical teams that are in situations where things can modify and accept a plow for the worse in an instant. This is a staple amid police enforcement forth with Kevlar vests that are designed to stop most rounds that a perpetrator will possibly fire.

Military Use

Armed services members also face up the certainty of imminent danger in combat zones. However, they face the likelihood of beingness taken out past rifle rounds. Plates that are ofttimes placed in these carriers take just enough power to stop various burglarize rounds.

What Makes a Great Plate Carrier?

If you are looking for a plate carrier that will fit you perfectly, then it's important to know some of the features and characteristics that volition make i stand up out every bit the all-time of the bunch. Here are some things that volition brand a plate carrier great:


If you are looking for a plate carrier that will be perfect for your budget, it's important to find one that will have the all-time quality and performance. And so discover the best that you can afford based on your budget rather than something that is considered cheap and subpar in quality.


Durability is a must when it comes to plate carriers. So it should be made with the all-time quality materials that won't article of clothing and tear. The meliorate the durability, the amend the chance that your plate carrier will be durable enough to behave plates and thus keep you protected.

Stopping Ability

One of the most important features would be the plate carrier'south ability to stop bullets. In fact, a combo of durable materials and the plates strategically placed within will ensure that it volition stop any handgun, shotgun, or rifle rounds. If you are looking for a plate carrier that will salve your life, be sure to find 1 that will be able to stop a projectile right in its path.

Review of the Best Plate Carriers

The following is a list of the all-time plate carriers that are currently on the market. As you go through the list, be certain to annotation any features and characteristics that will stand out equally interesting to yous. That way, yous can use the  process of elimination and observe the plate carrier that protects y'all best.

Permit'south brainstorm with the first one on our list -- our "all-time overall" choice:

Best Overall:
Law Enforcement Plate Carrier


  • Piece of cake to put on and have off
  • Snug fit, no discomfort at all
  • Best fit for constabulary enforcement officers
  • Lightweight fifty-fifty when loaded with plates
  • You lot can however move around rapidly without dragging or slowing down

What Recent Buyers Report

A lot of new users say that this was a actually snug-plumbing fixtures plate carrier that did a good job protecting and roofing the torso. Regardless if there were soft or hard armor plates inside the pockets, users said that it didn't experience heavy in the slightest. The pockets were besides spacious plenty to fit 6x6 armored plates in each.

Why it Stands Out to United states

This is made from high-quality materials that are proven to exist durable and very difficult to tear. Because of this, it makes it one of the all-time tactical accessories that you can accept for any given situation where your life volition likely exist on the line due to a dangerous situation. This is a law enforcement class armored vest that volition encompass all of your bases, if and when, you lot know that you'll exist in the line of fire.

Who Volition Utilize This Most

This volition be useful for members of police force enforcement who are on the average side of frame size. Information technology will be at a adept plenty size for those that typically wearable small to medium-sized shirts. If you are looking for an ideal plate carrier that volition be useful in situations where a Kevlar vest may not cut information technology, this could exist the i to get with.

Bottom Line

The Velocity Systems Law Enforcement Plate Carrier is well-deserving of the "best overall" title and for good reason. It proves itself equally a really tough and very well constructed plate carrier for members of our law enforcement. This can fit whatever kind of armored plates designed to provide fantabulous stopping power confronting enemy projectiles. If y'all want a plate carrier that volition literally keep you covered, this is probably i of the best options you can consider for your ain use.

VISM 2964 Series


  • Provides all-over coverage
  • Fits very well for well-nigh sizes
  • Easy to install Molle attachments
  • Great for civilians and law enforcement utilize
  • Accepts a good number of soft and hard armor plates

What Recent Buyers Report

A lot of new buyers were civilians looking for a plate carrier that would be useful in survival situations or those in police enforcement using it for when tactical situations happen. Either fashion, they said it was comfortable to wear and very lightweight fifty-fifty when the plates were total. This was easy to deploy and able to fit in a good number of tactical duffel numberless and backpacks.

Why information technology Stands Out to Us

1 of the best things almost this plate carrier is the inclusion of Molle attachments. You can add on many attachments for the accessories that are paramount to your survival. Whether you want to comport a pocketknife or a sidearm among other things, you'll always have space for a Molle zipper that can carry something inside.

Who Will Use This Most

If you are looking for versatility and the ability to add on a few more tools that you'll desire to use at a moment's notice, and then this plate carrier might just be what you're looking for. If you have plenty of Molle attachments on paw and are dying to use them, now is your chance to try them out using a plate carrier that tin can accept them. Simply y'all should consider some priority items similar knives or additional magazines and so you tin have them handy and access them on the wing.

Lesser Line

The VISM 2964 Series plate carrier is the closest thing you lot tin get to a boxing-set up carrier on the market place. With enough pockets and Molle webbing at your disposal, you lot'll be fully loaded with armor to protect yous and ready with handy tools that will be primal to your survival and the mission at hand. Choose your tools wisely and you lot will come up out of any tactical situation on tiptop and alive.

Best for the Money:
Spartan Armor Systems AR550


  • Affordable for most budgets
  • Provides splendid full coverage
  • Fits boilerplate and tall heights and sizes
  • Perfect for civilian and police force enforcement users


  • Some say information technology's heavier than others
  • Adjustments can be a challenge at times

What Recent Buyers Report

New buyers were impressed with the plate carrier and remarked that it was a great fit for themselves (their measurements ranged from 5 foot 10 inches and above in tiptop). One user said that he was finally able to track downwardly a plate carrier that didn't look too small or have a very tight fit that made it difficult to move. Overall, the plate applications were a sure-fire and allowed them to move freely and fluidly, which is a major plus when in a tactical situation.

Why it Stands Out to The states

What makes this so special is that information technology's made from loftier-quality materials that won't clothing and tear, thus exceeding the expectations of being a run of the manufacturing plant budget plate carrier. Other than that, this was made for civilians looking for a proficient emergency plate carrier that volition be useful in home defense force situations or for law enforcement officers that are looking to embrace themselves underneath their uniforms or tactical gear so they can be prepared for the dangers ahead.

Who Will Utilise This Most

This is a swell plate carrier that will be put to good employ if yous know that life volition certainly be on the line. It's e'er a skilful idea to have this on hand in the direst of situations. And information technology will be plumbing equipment for those who are larger in size and looking for the perfect carrier that won't feel insanely tight or as well pocket-sized.

Lesser Line

The Spartan Armors Organisation AR550 might just exist the plate carrier you demand for all of your protection needs without breaking the bank. It's got the all-time in quality and will exist able to fit armored plates that will go on your vitals protected against projectiles. In life and death situations, fifty-fifty a upkeep plate carrier like this can keep you well protected.

Best Tactical Plate Carrier:
Shellback Tactical Banshee Aristocracy 2.0


  • Unproblematic application of armor plates
  • Allows for storage of extra magazines
  • Easily adaptable for both the front end and the back
  • All-time used for law enforcement and military users


  • Rubber on the strap may warp easily
  • Shoulder cushions may not stay in place
  • Some pocket-sized improvements may be needed

What Recent Buyers Report

This was a huge hit with those who are in law enforcement and in the armed services. They said it was a cracking addition to their tactical gear and the fitting was nice and snug. They were besides able to fit all kinds of armored plates in the compartments along with some additional magazines that are used for their sidearms. One user said that he keeps a couple of actress magazines for his Glock 19 handy when he'south in a law tactical situation.

Why information technology Stands Out to Us

If you are looking for something that will give you plenty of space for armor plates, all over toughness, and a fit that won't be also tight or loose and then y'all've got a plate carrier that will be simply for you. This is fabricated from some really tough cloth that will exist incommunicable to tear with only sharp tools. If you want on the fly adjustments and the power to keep a few extra magazines at your side whenever y'all are in a situation where in that location is no room for mistake, this plate carrier might merely exist what you need.

Who Will Use This Most

This will be ideal for law enforcement and military members that are looking for the best coverage possible from forepart to back. You'll be well protected and well prepared for whatsoever dangerous tactical state of affairs. Plus, it might exist one of the more comfy carriers you've worn compared to some armored vests.

Bottom Line

The Shellback Tactical Banshee Elite 2.0 is proven to be tough, reliable, and a well-fit part of your compatible that will keep you protected from the dangers of enemy projectiles and shots. With all-over coverage, you'll have plenty of stopping power at your disposal when you lot find yourself in a tactical situation that might take a plough for a worse in an instant.

Best Lightweight Plate Carrier:
Shellback Tactical Defender


  • Attachment grid allows for tons of extras
  • Perfect fit for almost users
  • Easy to add together plates in pockets
  • Accepts various lightweight plates
  • Tin can stop rounds from handguns to some rifles

What Recent Buyers Study

As expected, a lot of new users were very happy with the plate carrier. They said information technology was very lightweight and allowed them to motility around quickly and freely. One user had tested it out at a training range and can ostend that given the armor has the power to terminate most projectiles, he said i of the major things that thing most other than the protection was the ability for him to move effectually without feeling like he was carrying a heavy bag of sorts.

Why it Stands Out to The states

While information technology stands out as a carrier for lightweight plates, the all-time thing that this plate carrier can reach other than providing agility and quickness in move is you being able to face any dangerous situation knowing that you have something that can finish many projectiles. Whether an assailant has a burglarize or a pistol, y'all'll have plenty of armored coverage to go along yourself covered so yous are not easily hit. Yes, it'due south lightweight but it's shockingly tough. And it tin even get your assailants to just throw in the towel and get cuffed.

Who Will Use This Most

This will be great for all those who want superior protection but still don't want to feel weighed down by any heaviness. It's a plate carrier that will handle any tactical situation and keep you covered for as long as you article of clothing it. Why risk your life and run into a dangerous situation without armored protection? If you need something for EDC purposes or for when duty calls, why settle for annihilation that might exist too heavy and will limit your movement?

Bottom Line

The Shellback Tactical Defender plate carrier probably volition be one of the night horse choices for "best overall" at some point in the hereafter. Its cloth is quite tough - and all-time of all, y'all don't need heavy plates to cease the most common rounds.

All-time Airsoft Plate Carrier:


  • Affordable for almost budgets
  • Perfect for tactical applications
  • You tin store whatsoever magazines for sidearms, accessories, etc.


  • Zipper teeth may break off over time
  • Shoulder rest may be an result with larger frame shooters
  • Some have had bug with the fitting (too minor or too large)

What Recent Buyers Report

New users were mostly using this for the tactical purposes (both grooming and the real deal). They said this was fit perfect for their size. On elevation of that, they were able to deport unlike tools and magazines for their sidearms. One user who uses a Walther PPK as a concealed acquit pistol said that he loved it when he had some actress compartments that were large enough to fit extra mags for his pistol.

Why it Stands Out to Us

This carrier is fitting for waists up to 55 inches. So, it tin can accept a wide diversity of sizes. If you are on the small side or coming in a bit large, you tin can easily brand the adjustments needed for it to fit nice and snug. Plus, with the ability to add Molle attachments you'll be able to add on additional tools that will be imperative to the mission.

Who Will Utilize This Near

This volition accept users ranging from civilians to constabulary enforcement members. No matter who y'all are, you'll be able to keep yourself protected and able to take on any kind of projectiles. Equally long as you accept the right kind of plates installed and have attachments handy with the correct kind of tools, this will probably exist the plate carrier that will exist your all-time friend in any given tactical situation.

Bottom Line

If you are looking for the best airsoft plate carrier in its class, the vAv Yakeda Tactical plate carrier is probably what will stand out the almost. It'due south got the toughness and the power to give you liberty and mobility when you are looking to take cover in a dangerous situation. Whether it'south for training or for primetime, this plate carrier is not one to underestimate.

All-time Plate Carrier Under $200:
OneTigris Griffin AFPC

OneTigris Griffin AFPC Modular Vest (Multicam)


  • Super durable and lightweight
  • Accepts various armored plates
  • Hands adjustable for various sizes
  • Allows for quick and free movement
  • Allows for piece of cake fitting for Molle attachments

What Recent Buyers Study

This was a plate carrier that didn't feel very heavy even when new users loaded it with armor plates of their selection. They were able to conform this to fit their frames and sizes (users were of average height and up to vi anxiety). Overall, information technology gave them plenty of coverage without leaving whatsoever spots exposed.

Why it Stands Out to The states

This plate carrier is made from high-quality Cordura nylon. Information technology's probably 1 of the toughest types of material that you lot can find on most tactical equipment and accessories. Information technology's proven not just to be very tough, only it'south as well able to resist torn stitching. Another affair that makes this stand out is the Molle webbing that allows for customization for actress tools and magazines.

Who Will Utilise This Nigh

If y'all are looking for a great plate carrier that will exist superior in quality and operation with a price tag of just below $200, you lot'll be quite happy with this plate carrier. It's zip cheap or flimsy. But it tin can and volition give you lot the ultimate in protection and tactical readiness that no other plate carrier can provide.

Lesser Line

The OneTigris Griffin AFPC Modular Vest is no slouch in quality and performance. And it definitely won't be something that won't suck the life out of your depository financial institution account. This is i of a few plate carriers that will piece of work to your advantage if and when you need something that is tough just affordable.

Best Plate Carrier Under $100:
Barbarians MOLLE

Gonex Tactical Vest, Outdoor Combat Training Games Vest for Men Adjustable & Lightweight Tan


  • Really tough quality and construction
  • Molle attachment compatible
  • Bang-up for civilians and constabulary enforcement employ
  • Fits most shooter frames from boilerplate to large

What Recent Buyers Study

For many users, they said they snagged this considering of the ability to include boosted Molle attachments that carried different tools for their intended purpose. They include just are not express to: flashlights, knives, and extra magazines. Overall, the pouches for the plates were spacious and were well fit for most plates. Ane user, a law officeholder, said that it was pretty easy to fit and immune him to movement quickly without whatsoever heaviness.

Why it Stands Out to Usa

Once over again, we provide another kind of budget option. If you are looking for something that will be south of $100, y'all'll be looking for a plate carrier that will be super tough and incommunicable to rip. Even amend, it's a pretty proficient plate carrier that will handle a good number of Molle attachments for EDC tools that will come in handy in situations where fourth dimension might not be on your side and y'all demand to human action fast.

Who Will Utilize This Most

This will be an ideal starter carrier. Indeed, the starter might mean the quality is decent. Simply the quality is way better. Starter carriers are oftentimes affordable so that'southward a plus for those who accept never used a plate carrier until now.

Bottom Line

The Barbarians Molle plate carrier will in all likelihood be a popular plate carrier for those looking for something affordable. And it might not be due to the price alone. If you take plenty of Molle attachments that you lot need to put to expert use, and so this carrier might simply take the cake -- icing and all.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plate Carriers

Every plate carrier has its advantages and disadvantages. Information technology's important to know what these are before purchasing one for your own personal use. Permit's first off first with the advantages:


Plate carriers are a great addition to your tactical gear:

Provides Excellent Protection

Every plate carrier will in all likelihood cover you from front end to back. They are intended to protect your vital organs from being penetrated from enemy projectiles that will be fired from diverse firearms. Plus, y'all'll get fantabulous coverage with the help of armored plates when placed in every compartment.

Can Stop Diverse Projectiles

With the armor plates you lot have included for your carrier, they will have the ability to stop whatsoever possible projectiles ranging from pistol rounds to even rifle rounds like 30-06 and maybe AR-15 rounds. Consider your options equally far equally what yous are looking for in terms of plates and what they are designed to cease.

Allows For Customization

Most of the carrier plates will take Molle attachments that will allow you lot to adhere any additional accessories like knives, flashlights, magazines, and then on. It's important to consider what you'll be able to attach if you lot are going to employ a plate carrier in a tactical state of affairs.


Indeed, there are some shortcomings that a plate carrier can have. Here'south what they are:

Most Will Not Exist EDC Friendly

Keep in listen that these plate carriers are not a substitute for Kevlar vests. They can only exist used in tactical situations where danger is imminent forth with the possibility of facing enemy projectiles. And so if you are looking for armored protection for everyday wear and apply, a Kevlar vest will likely be your best bet.

May Be Heavy to Behave

Depending on the weight of the plates and how many you are carrying, you lot face the task of conveying a little bit also much weight that your body tin can handle. Even if it seems lightweight on paper, wearing a heavy vest for longer periods can cause adverse physical effects down the road.


The all-time plate carrier volition be one of the models listed higher up. Information technology'due south of import to detect one that will best fit your size and able to handle your intended applications. Whether you are in police force enforcement or a noncombatant, a great plate carrier will salve your life if and when you apply it properly. Find one that will accommodate yous best and be useful whenever you need information technology most.

People As well Ask

The following is a list of frequently asked questions that pertain to the use of plate carriers. Utilize this guide then y'all take a meliorate understanding of how they work and then you can brand a more informed decision. Here are the following questions:

Are Plate Carriers Bulletproof?

Yes and no. Plate carriers are bullet-resistant in their own right. Not to mention, they are harder in armor compared to impenetrable vests themselves. All the same, some fragments can tear through the fabric and crusade injury.

What Are Plate Carriers Made of?

Plate carriers are often fabricated from high-quality fabric materials similar nylon or various soft materials designed for the purpose of providing protection to users. The materials may vary by manufacturer.

Are Plate Carriers Legal?

Yes, it is legal to buy plate carriers. However, they do accept some restrictions equally if you were purchasing a firearm. For case, you cannot be a convicted felon if you lot intend to purchase one.

Where Should a Plate Carrier Sit?

The front end part of the plate carrier should be a couple of finger widths below the collarbone. Yous should besides tighten the straps (normally in the back) to ensure a good fit, but brand sure that the front function is exactly where information technology'south recommended.

What Size Plate Carrier Should I Get?

This will depend on the size of your frame. You tin can consider some of the various armor measurement charts around the spider web so you tin can find out which size is appropriate for your superlative, weight, etc.

How Good Are Emerson Plate Carriers Airsoft

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